

Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing | Diabatix

August 18, 2023
Sarah da Silva Andrade

In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape, we continuously strive to overcome challenges related to the design and manufacturing of complex systems. One such challenge is thermal management, a critical factor in the functionality and longevity of a range of devices, from small CPUs to large industrial machinery. This is where Diabatix's state-of-the-art software, ColdStream, comes into play, combining generative design with additive manufacturing to enable groundbreaking solutions.

Thermal management governs the performance of small CPUs that are the brains behind our computers, and it impacts the longevity of immense industrial machinery that forms the backbone of various sectors of our economy. Efficient thermal management ensures the heat generated by these devices is adequately dissipated, preserving the components' optimal functioning and extending their useful life.

Addressing this challenge is far from straightforward. With traditional design methods, the process of creating a high-performance cooling solution is time-consuming, costly, and often involves making compromises due to manufacturing limitations. But what if we could revolutionize this process? What if we could use cutting-edge technology to design cooling components that not only meet but surpass our expectations?

This is precisely where Diabatix ColdStream, enters the picture. ColdStream brings a fresh perspective to the field by combining two powerful technologies: generative design and additive manufacturing. The convergence of these technologies empowers us to conceptualize, design, and manufacture unimaginable cooling components, paving the way for groundbreaking thermal solutions.

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What is Generative Design?

Generative design is an innovative approach that leverages computational algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to generate a wide range of design alternatives based on predefined constraints and goals. The method utilizes advanced algorithms to create complex and optimized designs that would otherwise be nearly impossible to conceive using traditional design methods.

IGBT cold plate designed using generative design

Additive Manufacturing: A Key to Innovation

Additive manufacturing, more commonly known as 3D printing, is the process of building objects layer by layer from digital models. It offers numerous advantages over conventional manufacturing methods, including unparalleled design freedom, the capability to produce parts with complex geometries, and the ability to produce customized or small-batch components economically.

When combined, generative design and additive manufacturing can overcome many traditional design and manufacturing constraints, creating highly efficient, custom-designed components optimized for specific performance parameters.

Generative Design and the CPU Cooler: A Prime Example

To understand how ColdStream employs these principles, let's look at a practical example: designing a CPU cooler.

Indication of the design region of the CPU cooler
Check out the full case study here

As the name suggests, a CPU cooler is designed to draw heat away from a computer's central processing unit (CPU), thereby ensuring optimal performance and extending the component's lifespan. However, traditional design methods can be limiting in terms of optimizing the cooler's efficiency and heat dissipation capabilities. Additionally, these methods might not take full advantage of advanced materials and manufacturing techniques, restricting the potential for significant performance improvements in the cooling system.

This is the moment where ColdStream swings into action. The software starts by receiving user-defined constraints and goals, such as the cooler's size, target cooling performance, and material specifications. Then, ColdStream's generative design algorithms are set to work, simulating countless design possibilities within these parameters.

The result? A multitude of potential cooler designs, each representing a unique balance of performance, efficiency, and size. Each design is optimized to maximize heat dissipation while minimizing the resistance, leading to a component tailored specifically to the cooling needs of the CPU.

ColdStream gives the final design

The Power of Additive Manufacturing

One of the many advantages of ColdStream is delivering completely manufacturable designs. The manufacturing technique is treated as a constraint at the beginning of the design process. Having generated a 3D-printed optimized design, we now turn to additive manufacturing to bring this design to life. The complexity and uniqueness of the generative designs from ColdStream are no obstacle for a 3D printer, which already considers the specific printing parameters during the design process.

Additive manufacturing's capability to work with a wide range of materials, including metals and high-performance plastics, is a significant advantage in this context. It allows the CPU cooler to be made from the most suitable material, balancing properties such as thermal conductivity, weight, and cost.

Copper 3D printed model by Amnovis

The Future of Design and Manufacturing

By merging the powers of generative design and additive manufacturing, Diabatix ColdStream software represents the next step in the evolution of component design and manufacturing. It's not just about creating a better CPU cooler—it's also about reimagining how we approach design problems as a whole.

As we move forward, this technology will continue to open up new opportunities, helping engineers and manufacturers build optimized, efficient, and tailored solutions for an increasingly wide range of applications. With ColdStream, the future of design and manufacturing looks cooler than ever.

Get started with ColdStream
Discover how our generative design software will help you during every phase of the cooling design process - from optimizing first designs to virtual testing and detailed analysis.
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