June 9, 2023

Revolutionizing Cooling Component Design with ColdStream | Diabatix

Sarah da Silva Andrade


The next big leap in the world of design is here, and it’s called generative design. The traditional approach to design and optimization often involves repetitive manual tweaking, requiring ample time and resources. However, with generative design, we can reimagine the entire process. This technology brings in a paradigm shift where the human role evolves from a hands-on designer to a strategic facilitator, setting constraints and guiding the software toward optimal solutions.

At Diabatix, we've embraced this transformative approach with our state-of-the-art software, ColdStream, which integrates generative design to push the boundaries in the creation of cooling components. ColdStream's advanced algorithm works around a problem in a way no human can - by exploring millions of design possibilities based on the constraints defined by the user.

Understanding Constraints in Generative Design

In generative design, constraints can be seen as the conditions or rules that a design must satisfy. These can include functional requirements (such as cooling capacity or power consumption), geometric conditions (like fitting within a specified envelope), manufacturing restrictions (such as minimum wall thickness for 3D printing), and regulatory constraints (like meeting safety standards).

The beauty of generative design is its ability to handle a large number of constraints simultaneously. But an intriguing question we often encounter is: "What is the maximum number of constraints that you can give to the optimizer?"

Maximizing Constraints with ColdStream

There's no straightforward answer to this question, as the true limit of constraints isn't a fixed number. Instead, it's bound by practicality, the complexity of the design problem, and the computational resources available. However, ColdStream is designed to handle a significant number of constraints without compromising the quality of its solutions.

Try ColdStream

What sets ColdStream apart is its advanced optimization engine. As the number of constraints increases, the design problem becomes more complex. Here, the true strength of our AI-infused software shines through, navigating this complex problem space efficiently and effectively. It's capable of testing countless iterations based on the set constraints and fine-tuning designs until it finds the best possible solution. The more constraints it has, the more control a designer has over what solution ColdStream needs to return from the design space.

With the power of generative design in ColdStream, you’re not just getting an optimized solution that satisfies your constraints. You’re also gaining a deeper understanding of the trade-offs and relationships between various design parameters. This offers a valuable opportunity to explore design possibilities that would have otherwise remained hidden.


Generative design is changing the way we approach design challenges. ColdStream's capacity to manage and navigate a multitude of constraints takes the possibilities of optimization to unprecedented levels. No longer are constraints seen as hurdles but as vital parameters that guide the generative design toward superior solutions.

Diabatix’s ColdStream represents the cutting-edge fusion of generative design and thermal optimization, providing an innovative solution to the design of cooling components. With it, design challenges become design opportunities, leading the way for a new era in the world of thermal engineering.

Welcome to the future of design - a world where limitations become springboards for creativity and innovation, thanks to the power of generative design.

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Discover how our generative design software will help you during every phase of the cooling design process - from optimizing first designs to virtual testing and detailed analysis.
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