Assess thermal performance within minutes

Why wait hours for CFD results when you can get initial thermal resistance insights in minutes?

ColdStream automatically creates a thermal network approximation of your product for fast thermal response feedback.

Rely on advanced flow and heat transfer approximations to speed up calculations.

Above all, these networks give very fast feedback on the expected cooling performance through thermal visualization and thermal resistance for your case setup.

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thermal resistance evaluating heat transfer, heat flow, heat flux and more with thermal analysis from diabatix
Thermal analysis generative AI solution trusted by companies worldwide
advanced thermal characterization techniques that can visualize thermal conductance and heat dissipation, diabatix

Finetune your thermal network case setup & thermal resistance

ColdStream analyzes your thermal inputs and automatically constructs a lumped-element model to create a thermal network.

A separate node represents each region and boundary, the temperature differences, and the connectivity between the nodes are automatically deducted from the overall thermal resistance case set-up.

Thermal network analyses use simplified physical models and correlations in order to be able to calculate thermal resistance and heat transfer rates faster than ever before.

This allows getting a quick first estimate of the expected cooling performance for your thermal resistance network design in a matter of minutes.

Find your optimal heat sink at minimal cost for minimal resistance

Find your optimal heat sink at minimal cost and minimal resistance.

Use thermal networks to find the optimal heat sink for your product's thermal load.

ColdStream's state-of-the-art correlations allow incredibly fast thermal network calculations in order to search for the most optimal heat sink.

Forget about manual thermal network spreadsheet calculations to determine the total thermal resistance and heat transfer with numerous other factors and disadvantages. Leave behind intractable heat transfer problems, and adopt the latest technology for your product with ColdStream by Diabatix.
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convective heat transfer occurs if the material properties, heat transfer coefficients and gemotry are known in diabatix

Thermal network FAQs

What role does thermal resistance play in a thermal network?
Thermal resistance plays a crucial role in a thermal network, and is defined as the ratio of the temperature difference by which an object or material resists a heat flow.

It is a measure of the ability of a material to resist the flow of heat through it, and it is represented in the network as a thermal resistor.

The higher the thermal resistance of a material, the more difficult it is for heat to flow through it.In a network, thermal resistors represent the thermal resistance of various components such as heat sinks, thermal interface materials, and other barriers.

The thermal resistance values of these components are used to calculate the amount of heat that will be transferred through them and the resulting temperature rise.

By analyzing the thermal resistance values of the components in the network, engineers can identify potential areas of thermal inefficiency and design solutions to improve thermal performance.

For example, suppose a component has a high thermal resistance.In that case, the engineer may consider using a higher conductivity/heat transfer material or adding additional heat sinks to reduce the overall thermal resistance.

Overall, thermal resistance is a key factor in design and is important in determining a system's thermal behavior.
What are the most common materials used for thermal design, and what are their thermal resistances?

There are several materials commonly used in thermal design, each with their own unique thermal properties. Here are some of the most common materials and their thermal resistances:

Copper: Copper is an excellent thermal conductor, with a thermal conductivity of about 400 W/mK. The thermal resistance of copper is typically around 0.02 K/W, making it an ideal material for use in heat sinks and other thermal management applications.

Aluminum: Aluminum is another popular material for thermal design, with a thermal conductivity of about 200 W/mK. Its thermal resistance is slightly higher than copper, typically around 0.05 K/W, but it is still a very effective material for use in heat sinks and other thermal management solutions.

Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs): TIMs are materials used to fill gaps between components to improve thermal transfer. Some common TIMs include thermal grease, thermal pads, and phase change materials. TIMs have a wide range of thermal resistances depending on their composition and thickness, typically ranging from 0.01 K/W to 0.5 K/W.

Silicon: Silicon is commonly used in electronic components and has a conductivity of about 150 W/mK. Its resistance is typically around 0.1 K/W, making it a suitable material for use in electronic packages and heat sinks.

Air: Air is an insulator with a relatively high thermal resistance compared to metals and other materials. Its thermal resistance depends on the thickness of the air gap and the temperature difference across it, but it typically ranges from 0.1 K/W to 1 K/W.

These are just a few examples of common materials used in design, and the actual thermal resistances may vary depending on the specific application, temperature range, and other variables.Thermal engineers must carefully select and design materials that meet the thermal requirements of their system while balancing other considerations such as cost, weight, and durability.

What is thermal conductivity?

Thermal conductivity measures a material's ability to conduct heat, i.e., the rate at which heat energy can be transferred through it by conduction.

It is typically measured in watts per meter-kelvin (W/mK).

It represents the amount of heat energy that can be conducted through a material with a given temperature difference over a unit distance.

Materials with high thermal conductivity are able to conduct heat more efficiently than those with low thermal conductivity.

This property is important in design because it helps to determine how easily heat can be transferred from one component to another, or from a component to its surrounding environment.

For example, metals such as copper and aluminum have high thermal conductivity, making them excellent materials for use in heat sinks and other thermal management applications.

Conversely, insulators such as air or thermal interface materials have low conductivity, making them useful for reducing heat transfer between components.In general, materials with higher conductivity are more desirable in thermal design because they can transfer heat more efficiently, which helps to maintain safe operating temperatures and improve overall system performance.

Use ColdStream to create a thermal network approximation today.

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